Nästa är Ronneby Blåsorkester
One day at BTH I picked up an events calendar of things that are happening in Ronneby in the second half of 2006. One item that caught my eye was a performance in the town square by Ronneby Blåsorkester, which I'm translating as wind orchestra. So the day after the circus, I headed into the centrum to see if I could see them.
When I arrived a couple of minutes after the scheduled start time, I could see the square was full of people and things going on. I looked around and saw a stage. There was someone playing a cello and someone else playing an accordion. I could neither see nor hear any other music. I remember thinking "this is their orchestra?" I was very unimpressed. So unimpressed that I just wandered around the square for about ten minutes trying to think what to do. It appeared that I had come all the way into the town to hear a mediocre cello and accordion duet.
While cogitating thusly, I began to hear the sound of march music approaching. My spirits lifted and I almost ran down towards Strandgatan. I saw a marching band and realised the duet on the stage was a completely separate thing. I raced along Karlskronavägen with camera in hand to try to beat them to the next street. I got there just as they were turning the corner. Here they are in their snazzy uniforms.

If you'd like more information on them, see http://www.ronnebyblasorkester.se/ but I warn you that it is in Swedish.
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