Saturday, August 19, 2006

Kyrka etcetera

As part of the Vattentornet expedition, I also went to visit the Heliga Kors Kyrka (Church of the Holy Cross according to my web translator). A page about it in Swedish is at and it's a large white building located just north of the town square. As you approach it, there is a small fountain at the base of the staircase. I have to admit though, the fountain does look kind of amateurish.

At the top of the staircase, there are a couple of flower gardens (yes, more flowers...Ronneby seems to be known for them). Here is one of them, just across the path from the archway.
This is the main path up to the church entrance. Again flanked by flowers. This photograph was taken looking south, back over the main part of the town.

The following is a stone in the archway on the western entrance of the church grounds. Yes it's in Latin, not Swedish - it is a church after all. The stone appears to have been placed there in 1733. It is also interesting that the Latin name for the town is Ronnovia.
And now an addendum to my previous post on the water tower. For some reason, this photo was left out. It clearly shows the graffiti around the base of the old tower.

And finally, this is another attempt at the panorama from the tower. Blogger is not very good at showing photos in any detail. I have set the photo size to 'large', but I'm not sure if this will give much of an improvement. Hey, I tried, anyway.